Marvel Studios’ upcoming American superhero film, Captain America: Civil War kicks off Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Phase 3, which bids the allies Iron Man and Captain America against each other and that leads to superhero teams.
And now a new promo art has surfaced online, revealing the superhero teams, check them out in the slider below:
Marvel is yet to make this official, but as of now the teams are:
- Team Iron Man: Black Widow, War Machine, Vision, and Black Panther
- Team Captain America: Falcon, the Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, Ant-Man, and Agent 13.
We are yet to figure out where Spider-Man ends up, we will find out soon or after the movie hits the big screens.
Whose side do you think Spider-Man should be? & what are your thoughts about the teams? sound off in the comments section.
Directed by Anthony and Joe Russo, with a screenplay by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely.
It features an ensemble cast that includes Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Emily VanCamp, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Renner, Don Cheadle, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Chadwick Boseman, Frank Grillo, Tom Holland, William Hurt, Daniel Brühl & Martin Freeman.
Captain America: Civil War is scheduled to be released on May 6, 2016.
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Source: CBM.
spider-man should be in cap’s team. with Vision and BP not to mention if stark wearing bleeding edge armor, the team basically is overkill (to me at least)
Where’s my new dream girl Scarlet Witch isn’t she going play a part in Captain Ameirca Civl War or does she go rogue because of how powerful she is and doesn’t want to get involved but she’s still Steve’s side.
This ain’t war, it’s a skirmish. Where are all the other enhanced?! Where are the Thunderbolts? Where’s Rulk? Short conflict.. I was going to say with Ant-Man against him, Iron Man doesn’t stand a chance but that Bleeding Edge armour changes things. How do you disable nanobots?