Windows 8 build 7989 the full build has been leaked. The leak has been posted to BetaArchive’s semi-private FTP site and is also available on other sites around the Internet. This latest build weighs in at 3.54GB and is from the M3 development stage.
This is the fourth Windows 8 build leak, 7850, 7955, 7959, and now 7898. If rumors are true, two employees were terminated over the previous leaks.
Microsoft has recently shown off Windows 8 with the new tablet UI. This new interface will help keep Microsoft relevant in the tablet market as well as unify all of their key products with a similar UI.
Windows 8 is far off from public availability and it is rumored that a public beta may be announced at PDC later this year. It is expected that Microsoft will launch Windows 8 in late 2012 with the latest rumors suggesting that retail availability will happen in early 2013.
Very interesting; thank you for sharing!