Crytek’s third-person action-adventure game, Ryse: Son of Rome didn’t sell well as a launch title for Xbox One and the developer reveals that a sequel might happen when Xbox One installed base increases.

Microsoft and Crytek’s deal for Ryse 2 collapsed after the developer chose not to give the ownership of the IP, “We have a good relationship with Microsoft. We are constantly looking at what we can do together, CEO, President of Crytek and director, executive producer of Ryse, Cevat Yerli told Eurogamer.

Crytek: We Are Not Happy With Ryse: Son of Rome Xbox One Sales 1

We are not 100 per cent happy with Xbox One sales right now. So we want to wait till the current gen and next gen catches up.

For Ryse 2, we aren’t saying it’s cancelled. It’s our IP. It just has to wait for the right timing. And the right timing means higher installed base across next-gen.”

When asked if the game will remain Xbox exclusive, he said “No. We can do whatever we want with it with whoever we want.”

He adds, “I know there are a lot of gamers who are contacting me through different channels who want to see Ryse 2.

There is a lot of positive feedback. We’re considering it. But at this point there is nothing official I can talk about.”

I’d like to move on to Ryse. It began life as an Xbox 360 Kinect game before you moved development from Budapest to Frankfurt and switched it to an Xbox One launch title. I’ve heard that the development was troubled. Now the dust has settled on the release, how did it perform?

Yerli also addressed the rumors that the development team was forced to push out the game for Xbox One launch, “There were rumors saying, hey, there were penalties if you don’t release. This was all bullshit. We had agreed with Microsoft to put it out on time.

In fact, we had conversations from Microsoft to us, telling us, guys, do you want to push out the game? We wouldn’t be offended by that.

But when we let the team choose – not the management – when we asked, guys, do you want to try to get it done by Christmas or do you want to take a few more months time, unanimously they team decided to go for the launch window of a console because that’s something emotional to be a part of.

To be part of an event like that, you do it once every five to 10 years. So everybody was pushing towards that. This was not an executive decision. We had a very good relationship with Microsoft on the launch of Ryse.

And I would at no point want to miss that again. So if people ask me, would you do it again? I would, because the team was excited for that.”

Ryse: Son of Rome released on November 22, 2013 as a launch title for the Xbox One, and it is scheduled for release in late 2014 for PC.


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