Naughty Dog’s upcoming action-adventure, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is officially the first game in the series to get rid of pre-rendered cut-scenes.

Speaking with MCV, lead designer Ricky Cambier said, “There have been games before that have done pretty big spaces. We wanted to do it at a certain visual quality that wouldn’t have ever been possible except on the PS4.

Naughty Dog: Uncharted 4 Real-Time Cutscenes Are Profound 1

We are able to give you this much room to explore and still offer that level of detail.

Also, one of the things we are doing for the first time is that there are no pre-rendered cut scenes. In the past, we always went over to a black frame and we switch over into a movie.

We don’t do that anymore. That was a limitation we sort of accepted back then. The impact of removing that has been kind of profound.

You just seamlessly go into these cut scenes and then come out of them – that whole transition goes away.”

“Set three years after Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, Nathan Drake has presumably left the world of fortune hunting behind.

It doesn’t take long for adventure to come calling when Drake’s brother, Sam, resurfaces seeking his help and offering an adventure Drake can’t resist. On the hunt for Captain Henry Avery’s long-lost treasure, Sam and Drake set off to find Libertalia, the pirate utopia deep in Madagascar.

The game takes players on a journey through jungle isles, urban cities and snow-capped peaks on the search for Avery’s fortune.”

Are you glad that ND got rid of pre-rendered cut-scenes? sound off in the comments below!

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End hits stores worldwide on May 10, 2016 exclusively for PlayStation 4.


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Source: MCV.

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