Earlier this month, Sony worldwide studios president, Shuhei Yoshida stated that Uncharted series could be the next in line to receive PS4 remastered treatment and now Naughty Dog’s community strategist follows up to that and states: “It would be really cool.”
“When we look at the PS4 generation, especially in the US – I don’t know what the general feeling was in Europe – there were a lot of people who are new to PlayStation platforms, and may have not played Uncharted, Arne Meyer told Digital Spy.
It would be a good time for us to leverage all the attention behind it and make it look better. It would be really cool to have.
Shuhei really likes the Uncharted series quite a bit, and I think it would be a great way to introduce – I wouldn’t say a new generation – but to expand the people that are bound to know Uncharted.”
He adds, “Since it’s the first time that we’re releasing a franchise across different platforms, it would be a good way to provide a way for our familiar players to go back and play the entire series with visual parity.
I don’t know if we’re able to do that, but it’s a really clever idea. It would be nice to see if we can figure that out and pull that off.”
Do you think Sony should port Nathan Drake’s journey on Playstation 4 in glorious 1080p/60 FPS? Sound off in the comments below.
The Last of Us Remastered launches on July 29 in North America and July 30, 2014 in Europe.
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Source: Digital Spy.