Creative Director Jean Guesdon states that they have proven that Assassin’s Creed franchise is relevant and it justifies yearly sequels.
“I think we have proven that this franchise is relevant, and that it has a long way to go. Our job as developers of this new opus is to surprise players and bringing fresh, different ideas, while at the same time ensuring that what makes AC such a stand-out franchise remains intact.
With the scale and scope of the world we are building, the completely new setting, the new gameplay mechanics, and our new characters (both our hero and his supporting cast), we are definitely on track to get the job done and avoid fatigue altogether,” Jean Guesdon told OXM.
When asked if they were worried about competition from Ubisoft’s own Watch Dogs and GTA V, to that he said:
“We are actually really excited to play those games – both of their universes offer something fresh and different! But when it comes to what we’re doing, we believe our promise and setting are very different from both of those games.”
Are you weary of playing a new Assassin’s Creed game every year? Let us know below.
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Nope, definitely not.
Yeah I am…..I love it..
I am THE bid fan of this Franchise.
The best thing about AC is that it comes out every year. You can't cut that out! That's insanity!
Yo de lo que estoy cansado es de comprar el juego a 70€ y despues estar pagando otros tantos por las dichosas DLCs.Pienso que assassin¨s creed se ha convertido en un gran negocio a nuestra costa. Me parece que no voy a comprar mas juegos de esta franquicia
I love the AC games though I thought 3 had the weakest storyline and assassin. Having a new one every year is great as it's always some new time to explore but I'd almost rather they take 2 years between games and make one massive game.
I afraid of game get worse if every year comes out a new game. I recognise a failure! Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood was the best!
take your time and don't compromise storylines
I hope they take more time to make the game that comes out after Black Flag, I don't want them to ruin the franchise by stress and making the games as fast as possible!
Also! Stop making all these dlc packages! When I pay for the game I want a full experience!