Assassin’s Creed III’s Davenport Homestead, a genoo-wine old colonial estate which serves as the game’s hub, boasting all manner of cottage industry and ambient idiosyncrasy, gives you access to upgrade and outfit the place.

Ubisoft: Assassin’s Creed III Homestead "A Beautiful Video Game Train Set" 1

Speaking with OXM,  Assassin’s Creed III creative director Alex Hutchinson said “My favorite thing about the Homestead is that in a city, you’re anonymous, you blend into the crowds. But at home, everyone knows your name. They don’t know you’re an assassin, obviously, but they live their lives, going to the tavern – assuming you’ve attracted the Innkeeper.”

“It becomes a beautiful video game train set,” he went on enthusiastically, before reining in the anorak attack a tad. “But we’re aware that we’re a trading game, and that’s close to German board games.”

Connor can recruit new people to the Homestead by completing rescue missions, vaguely after the example of the Assassin’s Recruit missions in Brotherhood and he can also rescue people.

Ubisoft: Assassin’s Creed III Homestead "A Beautiful Video Game Train Set" 2

To make the Homestead feel organic, Ubisoft created a mission ‘Encyclopaedia of the Common Man’, which simply asks you to eavesdrop on village life.

“The guys were saying there are 35 people in your Homestead, and each one has around eight activities, with some of the most complex animation we’ve ever built – and no-one will see it!”

“There’s one animation where the butcher takes apart a pig, and you can watch it for two minutes. There’s definitely some showing off going on,” Hutchinson concluded.

Previously, Ubisoft released the first details on Assassin’s Creed III’s Season Pass and ‘The Tyranny of King Washington’ DLC.

Assassin’s Creed III will release on October 30 for PS3, Xbox360 and on November 20 for PC.


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