Naughty Dog will release two new multiplayer maps for The Last of Us as they work to reduce the wait time in Factions matchmaking for The Last of Us Remastered.

TLOU Remastered players have been experiencing delayed or inaccessible multiplayer sessions due to matchmaking issues, which has been affected since the launch and the team is working to resolve the issue.

The Last of Us Gets Free Multiplayer Maps 1

The previous updates have reduced the wait times, “There is still more to be done to reduce the matchmaking wait times.

We know this can be frustrating and the team here at Naughty Dog wants everyone in our community to know that working on this issue continues to be our number one priority,” said Naughty Dog community strategist Arne Meyer in a community update.

He adds, “Over the last two weeks, we’ve discovered that the most significant improvements may come from working with other teams at PlayStation to make updates to some of the existing matchmaking libraries. Since we are working with multiple groups inside and outside of the studio, we don’t yet have an exact date on when these updates will roll out.”

The issue will be resolved in few weeks. For now “if you find yourself waiting to get into a match, the best thing you can do is exit matchmaking and select ‘Find Match’ again.” In the meantime, Enjoy the free maps from Naughty Dog for both PS3 and PS4.

The Last of Us Remastered has sold over 1.5 Million units, took the lead on NPD’s physical retail sales and has held the top spot on UK charts for three weeks.


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Source: Naughty Dog.

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