Ubisoft revealed a revolutionary online action-driving game, The Crew at E3 during their press conference.

The development team of the game is by Ivory Tower, a team of racing game veterans and an exclusive partner to Ubisoft, in collaboration with several Ubisoft studios including Reflections, a Ubisoft studio, best known for its work on the Driver franchise.

“The Crew propels gamers on a reckless ride through a massive open world version of the United States of America, brimming with exciting challenges and diverse terrain – from city to suburb, county to county, state to state, coast to summit.

It redefines the level of freedom players experience in a driving game by offering a playground of unprecedented scope in which any driving fantasy can be realized: street, dirt, cross-country, circuit and more.”

“To bring that vision to life, The Crew leverages the capabilities of new hardware to connect players online like never before. The Crew’s persistent online world is populated by other real players, meaning any other car is a potential rival or ally, and naturally fostering both competition and cooperation among players.

This living world provides a tailored experience to a new generation of gamers, as each player is given the choice to play alone, or to team up on-the-go with friends to accomplish collective challenges.”

“We want to give players a driving experience that goes way beyond the classic circuit-based racing games and really captures the boundless sense of freedom of driving across the U.S.,” said, Julian Gerighty, creative director, Ubisoft.

“Our teams are harnessing the power of next-generation platforms to make The Crew a challenging, immersive and non-stop world that can be shared by millions of players. This is a brand new driving game experience unlike anything that’s come before it.”

The Crew is in developement for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, to be released in early 2014.


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Source: Press Release

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