Joss Whedon took the stage during Marvel Studios panel in Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con to announce the title for The Avengers sequel, ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron.’
Iron Man, Scarlet Witch And Quicksilver is confirmed for Avengers: Age of Ultron. Thanos, who appeared after the credits of The Avengers, was thought to be the villain, but that doesn’t seem to be the case now.
According to Marvel comic books, Ultron is one of the greatest creations of scientist Henry Pym, a.k.a Ant-Man. The sentient robot is dedicating to eradicating the human race once and for all. The robot’s violent tendencies are said to spring from both Pym’s intellect and mental instability.
The Avengers: Age of Ultron is slated to begin production in March 2014 and hits theaters May 1, 2015. It ends Marvel’s Phase Two, leading up to Phase Three with Ant-Man for November 6, 2015 release.
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Source: Marvel.
Thanos is still set to apear, But Ultron…. Fuck Yes!!!!