Modern Warfare 3 PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 Comparison Video
We already took a look at the different format versions of Battlefield 3, now it’s time to see which best shows off Modern Warfare 3 (more…)
We already took a look at the different format versions of Battlefield 3, now it’s time to see which best shows off Modern Warfare 3 (more…)
‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3′ is now available on store shelves, In this week’s PlayStation Store (more…)
Activision’s new social network service, Call of Duty: Elite service suffered massive launch-day outages yesterday as millions scrambled to register. (more…)
EA and DICE are hosting a special sweepstakes weekend for Battlefield 3 players for their loyalty and passion a (more…)
Assassin’s Creed Revelations’s Ezio is on his way to Little Big Planet 2 on November 15, a new Ezio costume for Sackboy (more…)
In case you’re yet to understand what Inversion is all about, this latest trailer makes it very clear. Turn things upside down, and then shoot them. (more…)
Battlefield 3 launched on 25th in US and prepares to hit Europe later this week. GameTrailers have compiled a head to head video stacking the Xbox 360 version, PlayStation 3 and PC. (more…)
Rockstar Games gave us GTA V trailer countdown now. Next Wednesday’s GTA V trailer – which hits next at 6pm – should finally reveal the much speculated game (more…)
According to DICE, the beta which many mistook for a demo, actually ended up changing the game for the better. Tommy Rydling of EA claims that hundreds of changes have been implemented to better the Battlefield 3 experience since the beta. (more…)
Assassin’s Creed Revelations, the final chapter in Ezio’s trilogy is the latest game to jump on the 3D band wagon. For the first time in the franchise, Assassin’s Creed: Revelations will be in 3D. (more…)
Assassin’s Creed facebook page posted Behind the Scenes series on the creation of Assassin’s Creed Revelations!! (more…)
Battlefield 3 beta went public previous week, and gamers had the opportunity to see if DICE’s hard work on the PlayStation 3 has paid off. (more…)