Quantic Dream’s Next Games Already In Development
David Cage, French musician, writer and video game designer says he already (more…)
David Cage, French musician, writer and video game designer says he already (more…)
Fox Searchlight Pictures released the first trailer for The East, an upcoming action (more…)
Quantic Dream‘s CEO and Heavy Rain’s director David Cage wants the games industry to ‘grow up’. (more…)
Quantic Dream released a new gameplay footage of Beyond: Two Souls. (more…)
In a recent interview with Edge Magazine, Quantic Dream‘s CEO David Cage (more…)
Comic-Con reveled a new Beyond: Two Souls behind the scenes video, showing off the actors work with the motion (more…)
Sony revealed its Comic Con line-up, which includes a number of games that’ll be playable at the event next week (more…)
Quantic Dream revealed their new title ‘Beyond: Two Souls’, a new supernatural game for (more…)
Quantic Dream revealed their new title ‘Beyond: Two Souls’, a new supernatural game for PlayStation 3. (more…)
Sony Pictures released a trailer of ‘To Rome with Love’, an upcoming romantic comedy film written (more…)