Rumour – Xbox 720 To Be Smaller & Cheaper Than 360
Rumors detail that the Xbox Next is codenamed “Loop”, and was once called XboxTV. Xbox720 (more…)
Rumors detail that the Xbox Next is codenamed “Loop”, and was once called XboxTV. Xbox720 (more…)
Activision shocked the world by announcing that they intend to release another new Call of Duty in 2012. (more…)
EA executive VP Patrick Soderlund is confident the firm’s content plans will keep gamers interested in Battlefield 3 (more…)
Activision has admitted it’s having an issue scaling the Call of Duty Elite service to meet player demand, and to help sooth the frustration a bit. (more…)
Activision’s new social network service, Call of Duty: Elite service suffered massive launch-day outages yesterday as millions scrambled to register. (more…)
‘Modern Warfare 3′ is currently outselling ‘Battlefield 3′ pre-orders by 3:1 and is projected (more…)
Activision released a live-action trailer for Modern Warfare 3 featuring movie stars Sam Worthington (more…)
Modern Warfare 3 leak revealed that 16 multiplayer maps will be included with the game. This is right on queue with other Call of Duty games. (more…)
Battlefield 3 sold three million copies through pre-orders alone. EA also shipped another seven million units to retail, making Battlefield 3 the biggest day-one shipment in company history. (more…)
DICE has talked about the fact that Battlefield 3 will be getting multiple add-on DLC offerings once the game is released. The studio has been restructured to focus on getting the DLC content (more…)
One thing that DICE isn’t short on, it’s confidence. Offering up a robust campaign, co-operative play, and their famous vehicular based multiplayer gameplay powered by the Frostbite 2 Engine (more…)
Though both are competing for their own segment of the modern military shooter genre, ‘Battlefield’ developer DICE feels they have a completely different product on their hands. (more…)