Assassin’s Creed III Now Available For Pre-Order On PlayStation Store
Sony announced Assassin’s Creed III pre-orders through PlayStation Store now. (more…)
Sony announced Assassin’s Creed III pre-orders through PlayStation Store now. (more…)
Ubisoft released the Frontier demo video walkthrough for Assassin’s Creed III, which was (more…)
Ubisoft delayed the release of the PC version of Ghost Recon Future Soldier again. (more…)
Ubisoft filed a complaint against American science-fiction author John Beiswenger for (more…)
Ubisoft ended their E3 press conference by announcing a new open-world game in development at (more…)
Ubisoft released another trailer at E3 2012 for Assassin’s Creed III, which shows connor in different (more…)
At Wii’s E3 2012 press conference we got a new gameplay demo, Take a look at Nintendo’s new console in action with (more…)
At Sony’s E3 2012 press conference we got a complete different demo and it was announced that Assassin’s Creed III will add (more…)
Ubisoft showed off few trailers of Assassin’s Creed III at Ubisoft’s press conference. (more…)
Ubisoft released the new E3 cinematic trailer for Assassin’s Creed III, which shows connor in the battlefield taking down templars. (more…)
Now let’s move on to our next conference from Ubisoft’s and it starts at 3:00PM PDT from downtown LA. (more…)
Bethesda released a brand new gameplay trailer for Dishonored, an upcoming first-person Neo-Victorian/steampunk stealth action (more…)