Spider-Man: Homecoming is yet to hit the theaters, but that doesn’t stop Marvel & Sony from planning the future movies.
Speaking with Fandom, Producer Amy Pascal talks about the sequel and reveals how Spider-Man Homecoming 2 will kick off minutes after Avengers 4.
“What I think we should focus on is this Spider-Man who started in Civil War and then has this movie, and then will be in the Avengers movie.
And we are starting now the next one which will start a few minutes after Avengers 4 wraps as a story.”
Recently, Jon Watts talks about the sequel with THR, he said: “I think that would be a lot of fun. There’s still a lot of unexplored territory.
To deal with the fallout of Infinity War and be a junior in high school, I think sounds like a pretty good movie to me.”
Pascal also goes on to reveal that the trailers haven’t spoiled anything, “Oh, there’s really big surprises.
This is not one of those trailers that gives away the movie.
In fact, we’ve watched the movie with audiences where you hear an audible [gasps].”
The work on Spider-Man Homecoming sequel will begin soon, Pascal adds, “We’re going to get this out and then we’re going to start working in August on the next movie.”
And with the sequel already on the cards, Tom Holland went ahead to confirm that a third film has already been planned.
Avengers 4 arrives on May 3, 2019 and it will be followed up by Spider-Man Homecoming sequel on July 5, 2019.