Jun 23, 2011 | Apple, Latest News
Ever since Apple missed the usual June target release date for the next version of the iPhone, people have been wondering when they will be able to get their hands on the next iteration of the popular smartphone device. (more…)
Jun 23, 2011 | Gaming
Rockstar Games just confirmed L.A. Noire will launch on PC this fall. (more…)
Jun 20, 2011 | Microsoft, Software
Microsoft’s Corporate Vice President Dan’l Lewin has provided a clue as to when the next version of Windows will hit the shelves, with indications showing that the last few months of next year is the planned for the OS to hit retail availability. (more…)
Jun 19, 2011 | Battlefield, Gaming
DICE has finally demonstrated Battlefield 3 gameplay running on consoles, and in particular the PlayStation 3. The studio played the game on Sony’s console live on Late Night with Jimmy Falon last night. (more…)
Jun 18, 2011 | Movies
Here’s a treat for all of you who cannot wait for the last installment of the Harry Potter saga – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 – the latest trailer for the movie is out. (more…)
Jun 2, 2011 | Gaming
Saints Row 3 release date confirmed with new trailer (more…)