Sony released a trailer featuring their paid PlayStation Network subscription service, PlayStation Plus.

The trailer below shows off some of the benefits PlayStation Plus offers on PlayStation 4, it also features Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs, Bungie’s Destiny and Guerrilla Games’ Killzone: Shadow Fall:

The song in the trailer is ‘Alive’ by the Australian electronic duo ‘Empire of the Sun.’

Official Blurb:

“Introducing the new PlayStation Plus, the membership service designed to bring games and gamers together, and fuel the next generation of gaming on the PS4 system.

PlayStation Plus helps you discover a world of extraordinary gaming experiences through the ever-expanding collection of great games that members receive as part of their subscription. With PlayStation Plus on the PS4 system, you’ll also discover a world of like-minded gamers to play with and challenge, connected through an all-new multiplayer service worthy of the next generation.”

PlayStation 4 ships with a 14 day subscription of PlayStation Plus, all PS4 owners will have day one access to Driveclub PS Plus Edition and Resogun, the new game from the creators of Stardust.

Sony previously confirmed that users who buy a year’s PS Plus subscription will be given an extra 90 days for free, offer valid until September 30.

PlayStation 4 will launch on November 15, 2013 in Canada and the U.S, November 29, 2013 in Europe for $399/ €399/£349.


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