Megaupload Founder is Modern Warfare 3’s No.1 Player
Kim Dotcom (AKA Kim Schmitz) is a German computer programmer and businessman who generated much publicity during the dot-com bubble and was convicted (more…)
Kim Dotcom (AKA Kim Schmitz) is a German computer programmer and businessman who generated much publicity during the dot-com bubble and was convicted (more…)
New Call of Duty ELITE Trailer has been released to push gamers into subscribing for Call of Duty Elite Premium (more…)
With the introduction of Call of Duty: Elite, the DLC schedule for Modern Warfare 3 has become jumbled for users across all platforms. (more…)
There are numerous ways to get banned in Modern Warfare 3. (more…)
The first round of Call of Duty: MW3 content season kicks off this month first on Xbox LIVE delivering a variety of brand new content (more…)
Couple of weeks ago, IW’s community manager Robert Bowling unveiled the first screenshot (more…)
Previous week, IW’s community manager Robert Bowling unveiled the first screenshot of one of the (more…)
Redbox is an American company that specializes in the rental of DVDs, Blu-ray Discs, and video games (more…)
Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling unveiled the first screenshot (more…)
Infinity Ward’s community strategist Robert Bowling previously revealed New Game Modes and (more…)
Infinity Ward creative strategist Robert Bowling revealed that the first DLC for ‘Modern Warfare 3′ will arrive on (more…)