Roberts Space Industries: “PCs Already More Powerful Than Next-Gen Consoles”
Chris Roberts, boss-man at Roberts Space Industries (more…)
Chris Roberts, boss-man at Roberts Space Industries (more…)
According to Cevat Yerli CEO of Crytek, PC gaming market have nothing to (more…)
Nvidia GeForce Grid Cloud Gaming general manager Phil Eisle believes that the next (more…)
Remedy Entertainment’s Oskari Hakkinen, head of franchise development, said that they are (more…)
Apple‘s next iPhone will be a big challenge for the company, as this will be the first non-Jobs iPhone. (more…)
In an Interview with CVG, Crytek’s CEO Cevat Yerli said, the next-gen CryEngine is “way (more…)
When DICE set out to make the Frostbite 2 Engine that powered Battlefield 3, they did with the intention of it being a next-gen (more…)
EA confirmed that it’s working on few new IPs for next generation consoles. (more…)
Crytek, developer of shooters such as Far Cry and Crysis have shown off (more…)
New rumors suggest that Microsoft is working on next generation console codenamed Durango. (more…)
Nintendo unveiled the successor to its Wii at E3, leaving many onlookers baffled. (more…)