Naughty Dog wants the fans of the first game to put their faith on them for The Last of Us Part II.
During PlayStation Experience 2016 panel, Creative director Neil Druckmann talks about fans being upset over a sequel for The Last of Us and more:
“So much thought went into this and I know there’s a lot of people that feel this trepidation about coming back to these characters and revisiting what that ending means and worrying whether that’s going to spoil the first game.
You have to understand we feel all those things as well. No one loves these characters more than we do and we would not do this if we didn’t feel like we had the right idea.
The ‘Part II’ is really doubling down on that to say we believe in this so much. We’re not trying to avoid it.”
He adds, “I played with so many ideas that had different characters and it never felt right. The Last of Us is about these two characters specifically.
So yes, the Part II is saying this is a complementary story to the first game, but the two together are going to tell this larger tale.
All I ask is that fans of the first one put faith in us and trust us. We’re going to do right by you.”
The Last of Us Part II is currently in early development for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro.