Konami Digital Entertainment debuted the first gameplay footage of Metal Gear Survive at Tokyo Game Show 2016.

“Join a squad of four players as they work together on a mission to infiltrate a dilapidated compound and then defend it from the onslaught of relentless creatures.

Using co-op stealth, infiltration and defense tactics, and special new equipment and weapons, the squad provides a glimpse of both new and familiar survival gameplay elements that form METAL GEAR SURVIVE.”

“Following the evacuation of Big Boss and Kazuhira Miller from the besieged Mother Base, a wormhole opens in the sky and absorbs the offshore plant as well the remaining MSF soldiers.

The soldiers are transported to an alternate reality along with the remains of Mother Base, to find the world full of hostile, crystalline zombie-like entities.”

Metal Gear Survive will be available for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2017.

Metal Gear Survive TGS 2016 Gameplay 1
Metal Gear Survive TGS 2016 Gameplay 2


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