Boss Key Productions & Cliff Bleszinski revealed their highly-anticipated game, LawBreakers (formerly Project Bluestreak).

Check out the live action announcement trailer for the game in the player below:

The game is a “competitive team-based FPS set in an alternate future in which the world has been divided into two factions following a huge cataclysmic event known as ‘The Shattering’ that changed gravity forever.

Afterward, the world recovered and ushered in a new age technological advancements providing gravity manipulation and supplement use that grants near-superhuman abilities.

Now, the new technology rages and two forces fight for control; a peacekeeping organization charged with upholding the law, and a highly-organized crime syndicate bent on breaking it.

Players will be asked to choose a side – it’s LAW versus BREAKERS.”

The first gameplay trailer will be revealed on Friday, August 28 at 5pm GMT/9am ET/6am PT and it’ll be playable in Seattle at PAX Prime.

LawBreakers will release sometime in 2016.


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