“The difference between PlayStation 4 and Xbox One’s power is small, and I don’t really need to worry about it,” Hideo Kojima told 4Gamer.

The creator and director of Metal Gear series, Hideo Kojima believes Sony’s PlayStation 4’s price maybe a deciding factor, but questions the decision not to include a camera, which will change going forward.

Kojima: PS4 And Xbox One Power Difference Is Minimal 1

“When you come right down to it, the PS4 is cheap (laughs). Though, I wonder about the inclusion of the camera…” he said.

However, Microsoft’s Xbox One will include Kinect.

“Considering that the camera is so widespread in smartphones and tablets, I think it’ll build up to be the norm.”

Hideo Kojima took the stage to announce Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One during Microsoft’s press conference last week .

The upcoming action-adventure stealth features Snake (aka Big Boss) working on behalf of the Militaires Sans Frontieres under orders from Kazuhira Miller as he is sent to infiltrate an American black site on Cuban soil called Camp Omega.


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