Konami’s upcoming action-adventure stealth video game, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain E3 trailer was just a current generation version.

The creator and director of Metal Gear series, Hideo Kojima says next-gen version will look much better than what we saw at E3 2013.

“For this project we were using the PC to build the Fox Engine to create our game,” Kojima explained.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

“We’re using the current-generation as a [guideline]. While we were developing on current-gen, next-gen came long. We’re really trying to reach the peak of the current generation right now — 360, PS3 — and then see how much we can take it up for the next-generation.”

Kojima added, E3 presentation was “more tuned to current generation”, in terms of the game’s models and textures.

“Once we start going into development for next-generation we’re definitely looking for something better than [what] we have shown today,” he said.

The team is aiming for a 60 frames per second refresh rate and a higher resolution for the game’s Xbox One and PlayStation 4 releases.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is confirmed for PlayStation 3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC without a release date for now.


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Source: Polygon

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