Deep Silver and Dambuster Studios released a story trailer for their upcoming open-world first person shooter, Homefront: The Revolution.
“Meet the leaders of the Philadelphia Resistance as we reveal the first details of Homefront: The Revolution‘s gripping story.
As raw recruit Ethan Brady, you are plunged into a desperate struggle for freedom as the Resistance try to save the one man who can inspire the people to rise up – Benjamin Walker, the ‘Voice of Freedom’ himself.
What lengths will the Resistance go to to achieve their goals… and will the end ever justify the means?
Weaving state of the art performance capture into a 30 hour open world single -player campaign, Homefronts dark and brutal story telling will leave you reeling.”
The game is a complete reboot of the franchise with a 30-hour open-world single-player campaign.
Homefront: The Revolution will launch on May 17 in North American & May 20, 2016 in all other territories for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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