Here’s a treat for all of you who cannot wait for the last installment of the Harry Potter saga – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 – the latest trailer for the movie is out.

The trailer is possibly the scariest, most haunting one yet, as we get to see a lot of the pivotal moments of the movie and the final battle between the little wizard and his arch-enemy Voldemort. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2,” is the final adventure in the Harry Potter film series. The much-anticipated motion picture event is the second of two full-length parts.

At the beginning of the trailer we see Lily Potter and baby Harry just before Voldemort comes in. Apparently this last part of the franchise is going to show us exactly what happened that Halloween night: no more flashbacks and pieces of memories, this time we might see the whole deal.

Throughout the series the games of Quidditch have been an important factor in the Harry Potter mythology; now we see the field ablaze, clearly showing the transition from carefree witches and wizards playing to young men and women fighting for their lives.

A very important factor is Severus Snape! Finally Harry is put face to face with the one who apparently betrayed him and Dumbledore. However, for those who haven’t read the books, I can only say that the man still has some surprises up his sleeve.

And then it all ends; in a fury of spells and lights we see the end crashing down on everyone: It’s truly the Battle of Hogwarts!



Check out the old trailer for the movie below

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