The multi-billion dollar military science fiction game, Halo franchise created by Bungie and now managed by 343 Industries and owned by Microsoft Studios was once a PC and Xbox game until Microsoft decided to make it Xbox exclusive.
The last Halo game on PC was back in 2007 and now general manager and studio head of 343 Industries, Bonnie Ross told Eurogamer that the “Halo franchise is focused only on Xbox One and there are no current plans to change this.
We’re listening to the PC fans, but right now this is all focused on Xbox One.”
343 franchise community manager Andy Dudynsky confirms on the website that Halo has moved from Xbox 360 exclusive to Xbox One.
“We are dedicated to bringing a full and fun experience to Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Xbox One, providing you with dedicated servers, a unified interface, increased visual fidelity, and gameplay running at 60 fps.
We do not have any plans to bring the game to Xbox 360 as the game size, enhanced features and technical specifications simply can’t support it.”
Halo 5: Guardians is scheduled to be released in 2015 exclusive for the Xbox One.
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Source: Eurogamer, Halo Waypoint