The sequel to Marvel’s third-highest grossing film, Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 is a story about fathers, according to American writer, director, James Gun.
Vulture caught up with Guardians of the Galaxy writer-director, James Gunn at the premiere of Avengers: Age of Ultron, He was asked if he was involved with Joss Whedon for Age of Ultron script, since Whedon had some input on his GOTG script, he replied: “I had been told a lot about what happened, but I had never read the script, and I never asked to.
I hate reading scripts! I want to see the movie. Scripts are awful.”
He adds that he just started crafting the script, “There’s a lot of stuff I’m excited about in the new movie. Listen, I’m still excited about Star-Lord’s character and where he goes.
At its heart, Guardians is a story about families, and if the first film was about him and his mother, this is a story about fathers. So it’s exciting to go there.”
He was further quizzed if Star-Lord will meet his father in GOTG 2, he said nothing, but teased that he already has plans for the franchise, “I knew for a long time what the story of the second one was gonna be, And the third one!”
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 production will begin in February 2016 at Pinewood Atlanta. It is set to hit theaters on May 5, 2017.
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Source: Vulture.