Borderlands 2 Officially Announced
Few hours ago, we said that Borderlands 2 will be in 2012 and today 2K Games has confirmed that Borderlands 2 will be released on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC… in the next 21 months. (more…)
Few hours ago, we said that Borderlands 2 will be in 2012 and today 2K Games has confirmed that Borderlands 2 will be released on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC… in the next 21 months. (more…)
According to a report Borderlands 2 will arrive next year on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. (more…)
THQ’s revealed Metro: Last Light gameplay that was shown behind closed doors at this year’s E3. (more…)
This fall when Assassin’s Creed: Revelations releases, Ubisoft has noted that they are tying up the loose ends (more…)
In Far Cry 3 players will once again be deposited into a wide-open world (more…)
EA’s confirmed that it has not abandoned the Mirror’s Edge franchise and that they are currently (more…)
Ken Levine of Irrational Games reveals some fresh bits of info in the new video for Bioshock Infinite. (more…)
EA Games boss Frank Gibeau has said, once again, that Mirror’s Edge hasn’t been killed off, (more…)
Art Director of Rockstar Vancouver, Rob Nelson promised that Max Payne 3 will provide gamers an ultimate John Woo’s action experience. (more…)
Ubisoft unveiled new Assassin’s Creed: Revelations videos at the E3. Most of you are aware about Assassin’s Creed: Revelations. Well, Ubisoft have already teased the upcoming video game and had also mentioned that the story will include both – Altair and Ezio as playable characters. (more…)
THQ released the debut trailer of Metro: Last Night. (more…)