Earlier Today, Square Enix hosted Final Fantasy XV Active Time Report event at Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) 2015 and we’ve got ton of new information & gameplay footage from the event.

In case you missed the event, you can watch it here. Now let’s start off with the new gameplay footage focusing on the game’s driving aspect.

Tabata pointed out that they changed the steering wheel position from right to left side of the car as a result of discussions with the team, watch it after the break:

The car gives you the option to choose between auto and manual mode. In Auto mode, you set a destination, Ignis takes the wheel and the car will take you towards that destination, but you’ll have the control to stop the car.

And when you run out of gasoline, you’ll need to push your car to the nearest gas station to fill it up.

There are various views in Auto mode, Joyride View, which lets you travel along as one of the guys and see how the characters interact. Driver View, which lets you see the road through Ignis’ view and Scenic View, which lets you see the drive fro ma more cinematic perspective.

You can stop the car at any spot, explore the world and your car will stay in the last spot where you left it. The parking spots will be marked as P in the map, you can drive your car and automatically park.

Producer, Hajime Tabata confirmed a 2016 release window for the game at the event. The same thing we’ve been saying before/ the release of Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae Demo.

“Sorry I wasn’t very straightforward in making those comments at the previous event. I want to take this opportunity at PAX Prime to announce that we will officially release Final Fantasy XV in 2016.”

The firm will hold a major event in March 2016 to announce a proper release date for Final Fantasy XV. Why you ask? Tabata says that Square Enix has to make sure all their collaborative efforts are in place and ensure that the game is at the level of quality they want it to be.

A specific date wasn’t given, but we will find out in coming months.

Next up, some concept art and in-game shots were showcased which features city of Altissia: A town modeled after Venice, Italy. The in-game quality of Altissia will be on par with the pre-render, according to Tabata.

Following that is the concept art of Hammerhead & Lestallum. Hammerhead: A maintenance shop modeled off Hammerhead Shark, a group of sharks in the family Sphyrnidae, the art shows Cindy, but she doesn’t own the shop.

“I think any Final Fantasy fan will get the idea if I say ‘that mechanic’ from the Final Fantasy series [is the owner], Tabata said. Did you notice the little old man taking a nap on the right side of the screen?”

If you take a closer look at the Lestallum concept art, there is a large structure that plays a major role in the town, inside the structure lies a huge crater & within that, rests a burning meteor.

Moving on to Overworld art, it showcases the open, expansive world, where players can stop anytime to set up a camp and bond with the party members.

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After showcasing the cities and the world of FFXV, we move on to a very important piece of concept art, Regis and Regalia.

King Regis, Noctis’ father owns Regalia – the car Noctis and friends use for their journey. We all know that the key theme in FFXV is the bond between friends, but another key theme in the game is the bond between father and son.

So when Noctis goes on his journey with his friends in Regalia, he is indirectly bonding with this father.

And now back to showcasing remaining arts featuring Leviathan, Myth & Lunafreya Nox Fleuret.

Many Eidolons in FFXV have their own personalities, are smart, and play a “vital role” in the story. The Leviathan (pictured in the slider below) is female and has connections to city of Altissia.

The artwork depicts how the world of Final Fantasy came to be. You’ll see Eidolon Ramuh (old fatherly figure) on the right side of the image. Ramuh and other Eidolons are involved in the creation of the world.

The artwork details how the world of Final Fantasy came to be. On the right side of the image you can see the Eidolon Ramuh, the old fatherly figure. Him and other Eidolons are involved with the creation of the world.

Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
The art shows Lunafreya fleeing a town after it was invaded.

“We’re actually going to reveal some more information concerning Luna at our Tokyo Game Show event, but what I really wanted to get across is that she’s a very strong character – a very strong woman,”

According to Tabata, the concepts have a very Japanese background.

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Now the last concept art: Caem Outpost

The outpost is located near ocean. Noctis & his friends arrive at the outpost and take a boat across the ocean to town, Alcordo.

Tabata was asked if the boats will be rendered in real-time with seamless travel, he replied: “Yes, of course, everything will be rendered in real-time.

You’ll get in the boat in real-time, seamlessly. Your travel across the ocean in real-time, as well… But you won’t be journeying on the boat, as well. It’s sort of a one-way trip, in that sense.”

And now Avalanche Studios’ CEO Christofer Sundberg talks about their collaboration with Square Enix, check out the video below:

The next Active Time Report will be hosted at Tokyo Game Show 2015, where more details about Luna, game’s fishing and chocobo features will be revealed.

Final Fantasy XV will release sometime in 2016 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


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Source: Gematsu.

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