Ubisoft is currently hosting a live stream announcement for their upcoming title featuring cave paintings that slowly zooms out every hour.

Update: Far Cry Primal official announced for PC, PS4 & Xbox One.

Since Ubisoft is very slowly making progress for the announcement, IGN Turkey decided to cut to the chase tweeted and then quickly removed that publisher’s livestream is set to reveal a new Far Cry game.

Far Cry Primal Announcement Leaked Ahead Of Reveal 1

According to reports, The next Far Cry game will be set in Ice Age titled Far Cry Primal.

The game might feature woolly mammoths, tigers, and many other prehistoric animals.

This is all we know about Far Cry Primal, we will update the story when we have more information.

Are you looking forward to a Far Cry game set in Ice Age? let us know in the comments!!


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Thanks, NeoGAF, Kotaku.

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