Previously, we reported about a leaflet teasing the next Medal of Honor Title came packed with every retail copy of Battlefield 3. Medal of Honor’s 2010 release one of the most surprising new entries into the shooter genre.

EA Starts Teasing Next Medal Of Honor Title 1

Greg Goodrich announced the second game earlier this year but recently took to the developer blog to fill in some details about the shooter and the patch found in the image above:

“For those of you who played last year’s game, you may recognize a connection to the unit patches we created for the Tier 1 AFO Teams, “Wolfpack” and “Neptune” – as well as the 1/75th Ranger and “Gunfighter” badges. Unit patches are synonymous with the military community and have a rich heritage. Today we unveil the very first in a series of four new unit patches from the next Medal of Honor game.”

The official Medal of Honor website has been updated with a new unit patch, with a blog post informing gamers that the patch “should give you a good idea of what type of team you’ll be a part of in our upcoming game.”

Going along with EA’s life-cycle plan, we should be seeing the next Medal of Honor game at some point during 2012 on the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

SOURCE: Medal of Honor Official Site

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