Counter Strike: Global Offensive was slated for an October beta. Valve’s Chet Faliszek has confirmed that Counter-strike: Global Offensive will be missing its planned October open beta due to pro-gamer feedback.

He confirmed the delay in an interview with ESEA.

“They gave us a lot of feedback on things we should get in the game before we release it, otherwise we’re going to be getting a lot of bug reports or a lot of feedback and it would just be redundant,” the Valve man said.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive Beta Delayed 1

“So saying October’s getting scary now because… we are testing those changes but we can’t just put in everything at once… We’re pushing as hard as we can on that.”

Faliszek went on to say the open beta will start with only one or two maps, with new content gradually being added as launch nears and will kick off with 10,000 testers and will feature some new add-ons, like a new crosshair with additional weapon info.

“And when does it end?” he said. “When the community tells us it ends and it’s ready.

“We have no mandate from anybody of when we have to ship this. So we’re more than happy to just keep working on this until it’s ready to ship.

“By the end of it, everyone will be playing the game. It will be the released game that you’re playing and then at some point we’ll say, ‘OK we’re going to officially release it.'”

Check out Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gameplay after the jump

Counter Strike: Global Offensive is slated for a 2012 release on PC, Xbox Live and PSN.

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