Cevat Yerli, CEO of Crytek believes that the single-player only games must evolve and make way for a new wave of connected games.

In an interview with IGN, Yerli said, “I think the notion of a single-player experience has to go away. However, I’m not saying that there will be no single-player experiences… It could be it’s called Connected Single-Player or Online Single-Player instead.”

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“Online and social can reignite single-player in a new type of context and provide benefits that will make you want to be a part of a connected story-mode rather than a disconnected story-mode.

Sure, if the technology forces you to play a traditional single-player game online, that doesn’t make sense but if it’s offering actual benefits to be online then you want to be part of it.”

Yerli also added, “I would actually say that The Walking Dead on Gface would make more money than anywhere else, The Walking Dead would be a primary example of how, with some innovation, it would work even better with the free-to-play concept.”

Do you agree?


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