Last week, THQ gave us a suprise announcement that a Homefront sequel was in the works, and that it would be developed by Crytek instead of an in-house studio. Now Crytek’s Cevat Yurli has shared some details on just what the project means for them, claiming that Homefront 2 will be the best game they have ever released.
“Homefront 2 will be more than just another Far Cry 2 or Crysis,” said the developer “and is shaping up to be the best title we’ve released so far.” “There will be learning shared between Crytek and Crytek UK of course, but how the gameplay of Homefront 2 will look like, its too early to say. Homefront 2 will be a new take on the franchise. We are very excited about this . We want to make sure that Homefront 2 rocks, and we want to be sure that by the time of release, it’s the best title we’ve released so far.”
Yerli explained that both Homefront and Crysis universe will remain separate in both scope and feel, “Homefront is going to be Homefront, and Crysis will be Crysis. There will be learning shared between Crytek and Crytek UK of course, but how the gameplay of Homefront 2 will look like, it’s too early to say.”
However, Yerli did stress that Homefront 2 will be a, “New take on the franchise”, and added, “We are very excited about this. We want to make sure that Homefront 2 rocks, and we want to be sure that by the time of release, it’s the best title we’ve released so far.”
Those seem like some pretty high standards to live up to, THQ couldn’t have chosen a better partner for the continuation of the franchise. Crytek is renowned for their graphic prowess, and has earned a certain pedigree in first person shooter development. Homefront 2 is currently slated for 2014 release.