THQ have closed down developer Kaos Studios earlier in the year, but that doesn’t mean that the fledgling Homefront series is dead, the franchise is still alive and kicking. THQ announced that a new game is in the works, and the sequel is being developed by none other than Crytek.

Homefront 2 could be getting a serious overhaul from the original, with Crytek’s visually appeasing CryEngine technology.

New York-based Kaos Studios, which developed the original title, was closed in June as part of a so-called, “strategic realignment” of the publisher’s internal studios. It was thought that development would continue at THQ’s Montreal office, but now THQ boss Danny Bilson revealed that development of Homefront 2 will now be handled by Crytek, the creator of the Crysis series.

Crytek Developing Homefront 2 1

Cevat Yerli, founder of Crytek had this statement in the announcement of the new partnership:

“We see Homefront as a really strong universe that has a lot of potential and that has been expertly created and marketed by THQ,” said Cevat Yerli, Founder, CEO and President of Crytek. “We believe that bringing our level of quality, creativity and production values to the next Homefront title creates an opportunity for both THQ and Crytek to deliver a truly blockbuster game. It’s really important to us that THQ has the faith in giving us a lot of creative freedom over one of its most important properties to allow us to bring the Homefront world to life in a new and innovative way.”

The still-unnamed Homefront game is due out somewhere in the financial year between April 2013 and March 2014 on PC and consoles. By that time, it might end up as a launch title on one or more forthcoming console platforms.

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