Rocksteady is teasing some new DLC for Batman: Arkham City with a new image shown off on its Twitter page earlier this morning.

The image shows Harley Quinn’s feet with a sledgehammer because the boots in the image (below) look identical to the ones she wears in the game.

Batman: Arkham City DLC Teased 1

Earlier this month, Ten new purported trophies for the planned DLC leaked and indicated that at least some of the DLC for Batman Arkham City will be single player story related. The descriptions of one of the Trophies mentioned “Harley Quinn’s Revenge.” There was also some mention of destroying “Harley Balloons” and playing as Robin.

The only DLC released for Arkham City has involved standalone challenge maps and new characters. An add-on with an actual storyline would be a nice change. Stalking henchmen and taking them out one by one is fun, but doing it while there’s some sort of context is even better.

What would you like to see included in the DLC missions?

Order Batman | Batman: Arkham City at Gamestop

Batman: Arkham City DLC Teased 2Batman: Arkham City DLC Teased 3 | Batman: Arkham City DLC Teased 4Batman: Arkham City DLC Teased 5


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