Gearbox released a brand new Aliens: Colonial Marines extended CGI of the popular Contact trailer, showing off soldiers fighting through the decks of the USS Sulaco.
Take a look at this claustrophobic trailer after the break:
Sega announced a season pass for Aliens: Colonial Marines, for 2400 MS Points (£20.56 / $30.00 / $30.00) on Xbox 360 and $29.99 /£19.99 / €29.99 / on PS3 and PC.
Aliens: Colonial Marines season pass will give you access to “all four” future DLC packs for 40% less compared to the cost of buying the packs individually.
The DLC features new campaign & multiplayer content, starting off with ‘Bug Hunt pack’, in which players have to “take on waves of increasingly difficult enemies in three brand new maps based on environments from the Aliens film”.
Previously, Aliens: Colonial Marines PC specs were revealed.
Aliens: Colonial Marines will be available in stores on February 12, 2013 on PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360. A Wii U launch date is set to be “revealed at a later time.”
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