PETA, American animal rights organization labelled Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag’s whaling mechanic as “disgraceful”.
“Whaling—that is, shooting whales with harpoons and leaving them to struggle for an hour or more before they die or are hacked apart while they are still alive—may seem like something out of the history books, but this bloody industry still goes on today in the face of international condemnation, and it’s disgraceful for any game to glorify it”, PETA told VentureBeat.
“PETA encourages video game companies to create games that celebrate animals—not games that promote hurting and killing them.”
PETA has previously criticized lotta other games such as Super Meat Boy and Pokemon series.
“The amount of time that Pokemon spend stuffed in pokeballs is akin to how elephants are chained up in train carts, waiting to be let out to ‘perform’ in circuses,” the group wrote on its website.
“But the difference between real life and this fictional world full of organized animal fighting is that Pokémon games paint rosy pictures of things that are actually horrible.”
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what a fuckin retards.. it's only a game.. cmon !!
History is paramount in the Assassins Creed series. Its literally what the game is based on. Doesn't mean its right, but it happened. PETA can back down and realize: nobody gives a half a shit about your complaints in a game. You people complained about POKEMON. Cmon now lets get real…
Whales are real animals ok, but why are PETA criticizing pokemon? It's just a game and the creatures in that aren't even real. Really PETA?
HEY PETA … This is just a game .. its not real world is it …. then stop this nonsense okay….
Does anyone even like PETA anymore?
It's just one game after another with PETA. Seriously though, PETA needs to drop it's criticism towards games. Especially if it Assassin's Creed, one of the biggest gaming franchises ran by Ubisoft. Hey PETA, watch me skin a raccoon and place it on my head as a hat. Watch as i capture wild Pokemon and keep them in their pokeballs until a battle. Now, watch as i quickly harpoon this whale in the upcoming "Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag" video game. Hahaha
It has happened in the past and it doesnt mean it's right. Who actually harpoons whales anymore? let me tell you no one because we find it wrong in our current society to do so. PETA we have shooting games at pizza hut and stuff that shoot deer and elk are you going to say something about that 2? It's cool you love animals and i do too. But doesn't mix up games and real life. The main idea for ubisoft for the assassins creed series is to follow what EXACTLY happened. Such as in assassins creed 2 i believe or brotherhood, the romans crucifed people on the cross. It wasn't right i know that much but it did happen. Isn't it from our past mistakes that we learned to make a better environment and future today is by learning from our past mistakes? We can't learn if we don't make mistakes it's as simple as that.
Um… actually the Japanese and South Koreans and people in the Faroe Islands are whaling, but other than that no one in the western world actually worth knowing f**king thing about.
It's just a game! A gamer isn't going to go off and kill whales just because they saw it in a game. It happened in history and should still go ahead with it. I'm sure real whales were not harmed in the making of this game.
It's just a game! A gamer isn't going to go off and kill whales just because they saw it in a game. It happened in history and should still go ahead with it. I'm sure real whales were not harmed in the making of this game.
I have killed so many animals in video games (horses in RDR for example), but I wouldn't even think of hurting anything bigger than a fly IRL. I don't think anyone gets affected this much by a fucking video game.
PETA overreacts, they're complaining about Pokémon ffs.
I disagree with whaling by the Japanese and newly the South Koreans, I approve of PETA's intentions on most things. But this… no. It's just a game and its not like anyone has "spear" instruments to kill whales with(pun intended) but in AC3 you could kill animals for food apart from domesticated. PETA please leave this be, you can't win this its you vs probably 999,999,999 (hyperbole possibly?)active AC fans who would particpate in this game but not actually approve of whaling or want to become whalers.
it's a bloody virtual not real.. bloddy PETA t-.-t
I think the people from PETA are on drugs or something cuz they bitching about a video game. . . A F***ING VIDEO GAME for crying out load something that is not real DOES NOT EXIST. Yes let's save all the virtual fake whales you bunch of retards. I love animals but there is a difference between reality and computer graphics. Doesn't PETA have something better to do like take care of real animals lol