Assassin’s Creed III is the fifth major installment in the Assassin’s Creed series, and the third numbered title in the series, but Ubisoft is still looking to bring fresh content to the game.

The publisher revealed a new co-op multiplayer mode for Assassin’s Creed III called ‘Wolfpack’.

Assassin’s Creed III 'Wolfpack' Co-Op Multiplayer Revealed 1

‘Wolf Pack’ supports up to four players, working together in order to take down waves of NPC targets – as opposed to running around as the cast of ‘The Hangover’ dressed in Assassins attire. Assassinations will also become more difficult with each wave.

The game promises to offer 25 sequences that increase in difficulty with stricter time constraints, as well as resilient AI including lookouts and decoys.

Manhunt, Wanted and Artifact Assault will also be returning to Assassin’s Creed III, and the previously announced Domination mode will also be in the final product. Click here to check out the screens.

Assassin’s Creed III will release on October 30 for PC, PS3, Xbox360 and Wii U.


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